Friday, December 16, 2011


Tuesday, November 29, 2011


GDS = Goddamnshit.
I am sleepy but I can't sleep.
I ate my dinner too late, that's why. Sigh!

I started to play with my make up and capture some pictures, Lol.

Say Cheeeeese :)

Seriously, this is so NOT-ME !

*1.21am, report haven't done yet, but I still got the mood to waste my time at here, my leader gonna kill me. CIAO

Saturday, November 26, 2011


Friday, November 25, 2011






就是知道我病了,只能吃白面包,当我一痊愈,韩国餐、日本餐、我爱的Roti BMW 就一个都不漏的带我去吃。









Eugene, Thanks :)

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Thanks GOD

Thanks God for giving me a good sunday although I didn't go to church ;
Thanks God that you'll always be with me no matter what had happened ;
Thanks God that you let me become more wise after the unforgettable lesson ;
Thanks God that you let me know still got many people loves me like You do ;
Thanks God that you made my everyday !

Heavenly Father, thanks for everything, I know you're just beside me, I can feel that,
You made my life become more and more meaningful ;
You gave me a hand when I am in trouble ;
You gave me a hug when I am very depressed ;
You gave me just everything that I need.
In Jesus name, I prayed, AMEN !

*I really can feel the real happiness that God gave me, after I broke up and been through a very sad week

Saturday, November 19, 2011

依然爱你 Still In Love With You




所以要讓你懂我依然愛你 就是 唯一的退路
我依然珍惜 時時刻刻的幸福
你每個呼吸 每一個動作 每個表情
到最後 一定會

我依然愛你 或許是 命中注定
多年之後 任何人都無法代替
那些回憶 依然無法忘記

我依然愛你 就是 唯一的退路
我依然珍惜 時時刻刻的幸福
你每個呼吸 每一個動作 每個表情
到最後 一定會

你每個呼吸 每一個動作 每個表情
到永遠 一定會

Monday, November 14, 2011

OL look

Tomorrow is presentation day, what can I say?
Lecturer wanna torture me again by asking us to wear formal.
GODDAMN SHIT, I don't want ...
Theme : Black and white (for my group)
This is how I looks like in a so-called "black and white" formal.

Is this looks like office lady?
Lol, more like waitress I think.. Hmm..

Wow, I felt like I looks thin in this angel. Haha !!!!!! Ya, it's just a picture :)

Good night world, xoxo

Thursday, November 10, 2011


他们就是我最熟悉的陌生人。今天,看到他们真的很尴尬,不懂如何是好。不是不想讲话,只是怕我讲的哪一句话,都会闯出祸。唯有打个招呼,说个拜拜,就走了。想起半年前,那么疯,那么颠,毕生难忘的一段回忆。更不会有另一班人代替到他们。Whatever done have been done, whatever said can't be unsaid. That's it. I can't expect anything. Indeed, I really appreciated them been in my life before and the unforgettable memory that being with them :)

I feel......

At the same moment...

I felt frustrated, cause I waited him for 10minutes at GSC alone. *First time ever
I felt angry, cause he was late, and "he" said he will reach in time. *Seriously, I got a bit dulan
I felt happy, when he reached. *Haha, bendan always smile! :)
I felt funny, when he like very rush, just to make sure himself not to be late. *Luckily, we were not late
I felt sweet, when he walked towards me and pass me a pack of nugget ! *Gosh, I am damn shock, cause I didn't know he will bought me McD nugget since I am confusing, don't know wanna go for movie or wanna go for McD to have some nuggets and chit chat
I felt guilty, when I realize he didn't watch 3D cartoon before, and it's his first time. *like I am forcing him :(

But, at the end, I got to watch movie and also having nuggets at the same time :)

SERIOUSLY, that's the funniest nugget I had ever seen !!!! Nugget with cheese :P Haha !
Bendan really bendan, bought nugget also special than others. Haha !

No matter how unhappy am I, his existence will always put a smile on my face :) :) :) :) :)

Monday, November 7, 2011

You're too good for me :)
I am too good for you :)
this is the best situation ..

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Human Osim

Hehe :) Please insert coin to proceed

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Bye Bye

:'( Bye bye ben dan..
I know career is more important..
Go Jakarta ba :) Wish you luck.
Three years only ma !!
As a friend, sure support you 996 :')

Accompany me eat Korean food first before you goo !!!!!! at Korean town. Teeheeee :)

I know you hate pasar malam, but I don't care, have to accompany me ONCE! let's go be sardin together :)

Monday, October 31, 2011


November :)
It's a good month for me to have a little changes on myself ^_^

Sunday, October 30, 2011

It's hard.. No.. What I meant, is it's impossible to force yourself to fall for somebody.

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Flu , cough !

Medicine please :'( sigh

Monday, October 24, 2011

Ben Dan

:) :) :) :) :)
Ben Ben Dan :)

Friday, October 21, 2011

18/10/2011 8am-10am

Monday, October 17, 2011

诸葛亮、草和过客的故事 :)



每对情侣之间,多多少少都会有些过客,但是,谁会知道这个过客的影响力有几大?只会有三种结果 : 

Sunday, October 16, 2011

A real relationship,

Has fights.
Has trust.
Has faith.
Has tears.
Has hurt.
Has sweet smiles.
Has genuine laughter.
Has snorts because of the
Has weird, stupid, unnecessary
Has patience.
Has communication.
Has secrets.
Has jealousy.
and most importantly it has
♥ Love ♥

Thursday, October 13, 2011


早知道 你只是飞鸟 
拥抱后 手中只剩下 羽毛 
那么多咖啡和玫瑰 来打扰 

我想要 安静的思考 
天平上 让爱恨不再 动摇 
我关灯还是关不掉 这风暴 

心一跳 爱就开始煎熬 
每一分 每一秒 
火在烧 烧成灰有多好 
叫思念 不要吵

跟寂寞  再和好 

得不到 也不要乞讨 
怎么做 不需要别人 
转告 在陷的太深的海底 
我也只剩下我自己 能依靠

心一跳 爱就开始煎熬 
每一分 每一秒 
火在烧 烧成灰有多好 
叫思念 不要吵 

跟寂寞 再和好 

去面对 下一个 拥抱

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Short story

Hmmm, since there's nothing I can do..

Today , I gonna post a short story. Hehe..
Although it's short, but it related to Religion, Sexuality and Mystery.


A girl said : " Dear God, I am pregnant, I wonder who did it. "


Don't throw me with Egggssssssss, please Lolz !

Thursday, June 2, 2011


1234567 遇见你在星期一


7654321 每一天一个惊喜


不管你喜欢玫瑰 茉莉 还是满天星 九百九十九朵每天送到你手心

1234567 每天为你做一片爱心巧克力


来不及 来不及 算命我们注定要在一起

了不起 了不起 看看我一见钟情的魔力

123 我溶化你 246 甜死你


来不及 来不及 抗拒我已深深地爱上你

了不起 了不起 感动到你也不得不领情

七天说七百句 我爱你 等你说你也愿意

The song sang the guy said 'I LOVE YOU' for 700 times in 7days.
I calculated, which meant the guy each day need to tell 100 times and one day only max 12 hours.
This mean every hour he need to tell 10 times.
LMAO! Too much and I think at first you will feel happy but slowly sure feel ...... ?


Sunday, May 22, 2011


Okay, I am so lazy to update my blog .
Let me write something bout my weekly activities .
I sleep, eat, club, yumcha .

Err, oh ya ya , I recall something .
Last few days , my Penang friends were here .
We went club , The Opera (biasa lahhh, my second home)
And and , we had lots of fun . I slept with them at Sunway Hotel cause I can't drive *OVER TIPSY

Next day , went to parking . Omg , the parking machine got problem I think .
When I put rm 10 in and pressed "cancel" button , it come out rm 20 .
I was like, what the fuck!? I want it AGAIN and AGAIN and AGAIN .
Haha, lack of time, I only got around rm30 like this .
My friends , they all got around rm50,60 ): *I am the one who took the LESS ! zzz'

And, the next day, went club with Segi Kaki at milk club .
PACK UNTIL............................. I can't even can stand .
After that, most of us get tipsy... and ...... you know la, those drunkard.. haihz

Good night all :D

Friday, May 13, 2011

KONGSI movie

RATE : 3 and a half star

For the first time, watched Malay movie.
Not bad, it's funny :D
The most awesome one is I watched this movie with 19 person , which meant add-on me is 20 person . DIBA + MACHINES (:

Thursday, May 12, 2011


This time is not only insomnia so small case, this song meant everything to me . Teeheee (:

I never thought that I'd fall in love, love, love, love
But it grew from a simple crush, crush, crush, crush
Being without you girl, I was all messed up, up, up, up
When you walked out, said that you'd had enough-nough-nough-nough

Been a fool, girl I know
Didn't expect this is how things would go
Maybe in time, you'll change your mind
Now looking back i wish i could rewind

Because i can't sleep til you're next to me
No i can't live without you no more
Oh i stay up til you're next to me
Til this house feels like it did before
Feels like insomnia ah ah, Feels like insomnia ah ah
Feels like insomnia ah ah, Feels like insomnia ah ah

Remember telling my boys that I'd never fall in love, love, love, love
You used to think I'd never find a girl I could trust, trust, trust, trust
And then you walked into my life and it was all about us, us, us, us
But now I'm sitting here thinking I messed the whole thing up, up, up, up
Been a fool (fool), girl I know (know)
Didn't expect this is how things would go
Maybe in time (time), you'll change your mind (mind)
Now looking back i wish i could rewind

Because i can't sleep til you're next to me
No i can't live without you no more (without you no more)
Oh i stay up til you're next to me (to me)
Til this house feels like it did before (Because it)
Feels like insomnia ah ah, Feels like insomnia ah ah
Feels like insomnia ah ah (Ah), Feels like insomnia ah ah

Perhaps, the 'girl' , I just need to switch to 'boy' , then it will be perfect :D

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Beer Session with SEGI's


Me :D ready to be drunkardd ! Looooool

Our big boss - Lee

Me and Babi

Steven (:

Shua - Huahua

My Er Jiuuuuuuuuuuuu :D

The girl's - Sampat one , love them much

Segi'sssss 1

Segi'ssss 2


Boss Lee, Shua and Wai Chun (:

Er Jiu, Liliiii, Joey, Babi

Kissing teeheeee

Too much of pictures , lazy to upload
Haha, view more on facebook (:
I enjoyed much yesterday . Loool
with the crazy one - SEGI'ss


I could stick around and get along with you, hello.
It doesn't really mean that I'm into you, hello.
You're alright but I'm here, darling, to enjoy the party.
Don't get too excited 'cause that's all you get from me, hey.
Yeah, I think you're cute, but I really think that you should know.
I just came to say hello, hello, hello, hello.

I'm not the kinda girl to get messed up with you, hello.
I'ma let you try to convince me to, hello.
It's alright I'm getting dizzy just enjoy the party.
It's OK with me if you don't have that much to say, hey.
Kinda like this game but there's something you should know.
I just came to say hello, hello, hey, hey.

I could stick around and get along with you, hello.
It doesn't really mean that I'm into you, hello.
You're alright but I'm here, darling, to enjoy the party.
Don't get too excited cause thats all you get from me hey.
Yeah I think your cute but really you should know.
I just came to say hello, hello, hello, hello.

I'm not the kinda girl to get messed up with you, hello.
I'ma let you try to convince me to, hello.
It's alright, I'm getting dizzy, just enjoy the party.
It's OK with me if you don't have that much to say, hey.
Kinda like this game but there's something you should know.
I just came to say hello, hey.


Don't call me GaGa
I've never seen one like that before
Don't look at me like that
You amaze me

He ate my heart
He a-a-ate my heart
(You little monster)

He ate my heart
He a-a-ate my heart out
(You amaze me)

Look at him
Look at me
That boy is bad
And honestly
He's a wolf in disguise
But I can't stop staring in those evil eyes

I asked my girlfriend if she'd seen you round before
She mumbled something while we got down on the floor baby
We might've fucked not really sure, don't quite recall
But something tells me that I've seen him, yeah

That boy is a monster
That boy is a monster
That boy is a monster

He ate my heart
(I love that girl)
He ate my heart
(Wanna talk to her, she's hot as hell)

He licked his lips
Said to me
Girl you look good enough to eat
Put his arms around me
Said "Boy now get your paws right off me"

I asked my girlfriend if she'd seen you round before
She mumbled something while we got down on the floor baby
We might've fucked not really sure, don't quite recall
But something tells me that I've seen him, yeah

That boy is a monster
That boy is a monster
That boy is a monster

He ate my heart
(I love that girl)
He ate my heart
(Wanna talk to her, she's hot as hell)

He ate my heart
He ate my heart
Instead he's a monster in my bed

I wanna Just Dance
But he took me home instead
Uh oh! There was a monster in my bed
We french kissed on a subway train
He tore my clothes right off

He ate my heart then he ate my brain
Uh oh uh oh
(I love that girl)
(Wanna talk to her, she's hot as hell)

That boy is a monster
(Could I love him?)

That boy is a monster
(Could I love him?)

That boy is a monster
(Could I love him?)

That boy is a monster

Monday, May 9, 2011


Sometimes , I felt like you are being with her .
Sighhhh , nothing I can do .

Sunday, May 8, 2011


Short updated -

It's all about him him and him.

No, this is impossible. *fake

Yes, why I need to give a damn on you?

And, this is so true. *You, don't take me for granted please

Maybe , this is the only solution. *Give up

Friday, May 6, 2011

I'm FINE !

Lol, I am fine .
Nowadays the stuff happened it's quite complicated la .
Don't know what to say .

*I am not fine at all ): I don't know how to express my feeling*** ))':

First Commission

Weeeeeeeeeeeee , today is my first working day (:
No comment , I just drive here and there . Lol so called - *being a GPS
And today got my commission - RM 200 xD Hahaaa..
Happy Happy..
Now , nobody I can rely on . So I need to rely myself .

Ciaoz , I miss my dracula , Mr.Edward Cullen , but is the fake one :D

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Tomorrow work lah (:

Just now went Shabu Shabu Steamboat with Xiao Ah Yi .
Xiao Ah Yi offered me a job - being a GPS . Lol
She's from Penang , and doesn't familiar with KL road .
Haha , I accepted the job , cause it's quite relaxing and can pass my time , too.

My Job
- Just to be a driver and drives her to ANYWHERE she wanna go .
- Accompany her (she's bored rofl)
- No basic, only commission ):
- My Xiao Ah Yi selling those body sculpting clothing , so sold each of it , I will get RM200 (not bad lahhhh)

P/S : I accepted this job because I no need to pay petrol , tol , food and just get commission by accompanying her XD That's consider relaxing ! And , not every day , She will just came KL 2,3 times per month . (((: Weeeee , hope tomorrow got commission liaoooo lolz

Monday, May 2, 2011

I swear




Wanna call me? No, I won't give you a chance.
I want you to know it's how hard and terrible when somebody's trying to call you ;
and you're not picking up his/her call.

Fuck off

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Late update - Chin's Birthday

Sorry for the late update for my blog.
I am kinda busy nowadays.
Yes, of course, busy enjoying my holiday haha.
This time I just wanna blog about my dear dear, chin's birthday.
Me,carine, melissa and YY celebrate chin birthday at Wing'z Cafe @ Kuchai Lama.
First, I thought only 5 girls. But suddenly Cody joined us. That's VERY RANDOM.
But that night, I really enjoy with all of my dearies.

The sampat one - Carine
Pandai cakap and shoot people one - Yen ying
The soft soft one - Chin
The most syok sendiri one - Melissa
Me? I am the talkative one I think
The RANDOM one - Cody

We talked, we laughed, we fooled the cute waiter, we gossiped, we shared out our daily happening things too (:

Here's some pictures during that moment ;

Me, Yen Ying, Carine

Me and Birthday girl - Chin

Me and Melissa

Group picture

Birthday Cakeyyy (:

Happy Birthday girl :D XOXO

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Exam F off, Holiday F on ! :D

Yeshhhhhhhhhhh !
Finally exams end !
Holiday come to mamaaaa !
Sorry I can't update my blog immediately when finished exam, cause I am busy with my holiday activities !
Went movie, shop, club etc etc..
BUT still got two more I haven't done yet :
sing K (but too bad my sis work already, no kaki to sing)
Genting outdoor (no kaki also +_+)
I bought jumpsuits, I bought top, I bought rabbit case for my phone..
Oh , I haven't buy any shoesss yet.
I need shoes ! No, it's slippers.
That time went club, Omg, wasn't a clubbing night lar, that night was 'Songkran'-Thai's new year,Water festival.
''Yeah'' ! my slipper broke ! GREAT !

The water force was so big, BIG slipper patah..
Okay great !
-my body muscle pain;
-my hair full of satay sauce;
-my finger muscle pain (cause keep on playing water gun, pump till my finger pain);
-my leg FULL OF those dammit bruises !
-my body FULL OF Heineken smell (those crazy's put heineken inside the water gun ==)
I had a lot of fun ((:
Holiday mood ON !!!!!!!!!!!! Weeeeeeeeee ~

Thursday, April 14, 2011

I'm Taken By HIM ♥

Aww, He's sooo sweet . I heart him ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ((:

He is forcing himself to fall asleep . Lol, hardly close his eyes

Acting cute, God, this is soooo damn cute!

Trying to take the 'couple' pictures with him ! Silently

Oopsss, He saw the camera haha :P

Seriously , I love him very very very much, the most perhaps

Monday, April 4, 2011

Outing with Dearies

Went out with my two Dearies, Carine and Chin just now.

But Sasa , Ley and YYing didn't come ):

I treat Carine as her birthday present !

Haha, although passed quite long ago already (I think around 2,3 weeks ago? Lol)

We went for steamboat, nice nice ! :D

Yummmy *Love it

With Chin Dear ~

See this sampat Birthday girl, Happy belated birthday larrr .

Gosh, My face so 'chubby', Haha, maybe can say fat ? Lol .

Focus the top right of the picture, Haih, my chopstick skill, I think I need a sifu . Anybody ?

After that we still went Wing'z Cafe yumchaa .
Haha, lazy blog
liaoo, gonna study ): . Ciao

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Study Hard . Party Hard

Nothing special, just busy of studying . Xoxo .
Final soon, have to study hard .
After final , PARTY HARD ! :D

11st April - Economics 3
12nd April - Accounting 3 , QM 3
14th April - M'sian Studies

Saturday, April 2, 2011



When sitting the car, my mind cross this song la okay?!

Although is not the whole song.. But at least a line of lyrics lar..

That is "Let's Fly (Fly Fly Fly Fly)"

That is sooooo fucking awesome ! Serious !

I think it's my first time to sit rocket la..

Nono, sure is the first time.. Haha.. ! :D

But, it's effing freaking COOL la okay ?!

See the picture then you'll know which car I mentioned :P

sorry it's a bit blurr


When I saw a page in facebook, my brain totally blank.

I just can say, the answer is so obvious already. Lol.

Bye then.

*the previous post is just --- Happy April Fool .

Thursday, March 31, 2011

Good Girl

Now, I just know that I am a good girl in your heart . (:

But, just, my thinking is not mature enough. ):

Never mind, I will be mature then ! |:

I miss you badly ! Grr

*Today is April Fool, Happy April Fool. But above content IS NOT A FOOL okay ?! It's serious ! Haha !

Tuesday, March 29, 2011


Yeah !

I got my "babey" already ! - iPhone4

No need wait until April XD

I am so happy

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Straight vs Curly

Yesterday, went to perm my hair.

When haven't done the rebonding : "I am sick of curly hair larr , I want to change hair style."

When processing : "Gosh, I scare I am not suits to be in straight hair."

When done rebonding : "Okay, I want back my curly hair!!! IMMEDIATELY!! This hair make my face look so round!!!"

When look myself longer : "Errrrr, okay okay lar." :|

So, that's my opinion, what's yours? (:



Monday, March 21, 2011


That's not gonna be anything happen in 2012 .
What the end of the day is FAKE .
Why ? Please click the link and see what happen in 2030 .
*Not a virus* (:

:D :D :D :D :D

*epic, lol

Friday, March 18, 2011

It's getting nearer

Shit, my final is getting nearer larr right ?
Yet I am still enjoying my life.
I don't know anything about economics ;
I am blur with those histories that related to politics and wars ;
I TOTALLY DON'T KNOW what Mr.Phang taught for this semester ;
and, I don't know how to do Correlation in Quantitative Method.

Juuuuu : What should you do?
Juuuuu : Study lar ! FYL .

My final is at 11/04/2011-15/04/2011 ..
Now it's already 18/03/2011..
I need to cover all subject.. How?
Clever lor, enjoy lor, end up, what now? Concentrate and study larr !

Just study more and of course pray to God. Rofl.
Good luck to all my course mate ! (:

Monday, March 14, 2011

I am SUCK!

My driving skill is sucks !
Yes, I accident again !
Congrats , Sucker !

*I didn't mean to bang the car in front of me, I just ..... careless .

Sunday, March 13, 2011

I can't get it

I don't understand.
I can't get it.
I don't understand.
I can't get it.
I am really 'fine'.
I no need to show my sadness to my friend,my family or who else.
Why I need to show it out?
I really don't understand !

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

All I want is ...

I had a nice chat with you.

I wanted to talk to you 24hours, non-stop.

Maybe you will think that I am crazy.

But what I wanted to tell you is,

I hope to be by your side 24hours.

Prepare your breakfast, iron your formal, wash your clothes, cook for you, clean your so-called luxury house. lol

I know I think too much.

Perhaps, you got no feeling towards me.

No, I can confirm that, you got no feeling towards me.

All I want is YOU, I want YOU..

You drive me crazy, again, can I just say 내가 알아서하자 ?

IMPOSSIBLE, stop crapping Juju ! *Teehee

Nights !

Friday, March 4, 2011

Full schedule

Tomorrow's schedule :

- Wake up *I not really sure I can wake up a not :x

- Go One Utama

- Claim my birthday treats from my two most beloved sisters , Molly and Cally *Haha ! Nice !

- Movie *Don't know is it a nice movie , not sure what's the movie name.

- Shopping *I wanna buy shoes, dress, shirts, bag and etc etc. Okay, too much!

- Rest *Charge energy :|

- Back to my second home *Opera ! (:

Thanks my two sisters and cool brother for booking me the whole day! Love you all ya (:

Thursday, March 3, 2011



Went to college, class begin at 12pm.

Went into class at 12.40pm . Why?

No parking ):

I spotted a parking, the guard said will leave the slot for me, call me turn one round.

Okay, I turned, then, what happened?

Parking lot gone ):

A guy took my parking lot.

And, guess what, the guard gone, too!

(Don't worry, it's not that kind of "dirty" things. I met the guard every time I went college)


Went my granny's house to take my lunch after class.

After that, went back my home.

Reach home. Starts blogging. Starts dreaming. Starts missing.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Boring day

  • Today, went lunch with Ryo (:

  • I started to learn Korean language, and read, too.
Please don't ask me why. I got my own reason.

  • I've been spending all my time, just thinking about you

  • Studied first chapter of Malaysian Studies.

  • Going out for yumcha later.

Monday, February 28, 2011

March 1st

And Happy Birthday to myself ((:

My wishes : I hope to be with you. But I know, it's impossible.
So.. never mind.
*He's the only guy that can make me unhappy on my birthday. Special.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

I-partment 2

It's back..Gosh, it's really back.. !!
Please, I wanna move to I-partment again!
Hahaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa ..
So sweet..
But some characters didn't at this movie already..
Yet, still got 3 new characters replace them..

Please scroll down..

This is 子乔's 小姨妈. She replace 宛瑜.

This is 羽墨,quite special name, I like it. She replace 美嘉.

And this is 张伟, he replace 胡一菲's brother, 展博.

But, I still like the previous character ): Why don't they come back?
I really miss them a lots !
Especially 宛瑜 and
展博 T.T
They are really a cute couple..
Too bad they go travel around the world already. )):

Wednesday, February 9, 2011


I am back ! Wahahaaa !
I mean I already reach KL.
Very tired, BUT.. I got a lot of things to share with you all..
About my Hatyai trip..
It's fun..
It's cold (Ice Dome)..
It's cheap !
It's so "WTF"..!
It's so may many many things lar!
I need food now !
Will update my blog soon xD
Buhbyeeeeeee (I am acting cute,so?) :P

Friday, February 4, 2011

Guess what

Okay, Happy Chinese New Year again lalalaa ~ (:
See, what's the identical of the two pictures? Focus me..
Saw already right? I closed left side of my lips..
Guess what, ya, is because of my ulcer.. ):
My only Chinese New Year's wish (Hope I can faster get rid of my ulcer)
Aiksssssssssss ! Okay ciao !