Thursday, March 31, 2011

Good Girl

Now, I just know that I am a good girl in your heart . (:

But, just, my thinking is not mature enough. ):

Never mind, I will be mature then ! |:

I miss you badly ! Grr

*Today is April Fool, Happy April Fool. But above content IS NOT A FOOL okay ?! It's serious ! Haha !

Tuesday, March 29, 2011


Yeah !

I got my "babey" already ! - iPhone4

No need wait until April XD

I am so happy

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Straight vs Curly

Yesterday, went to perm my hair.

When haven't done the rebonding : "I am sick of curly hair larr , I want to change hair style."

When processing : "Gosh, I scare I am not suits to be in straight hair."

When done rebonding : "Okay, I want back my curly hair!!! IMMEDIATELY!! This hair make my face look so round!!!"

When look myself longer : "Errrrr, okay okay lar." :|

So, that's my opinion, what's yours? (:



Monday, March 21, 2011


That's not gonna be anything happen in 2012 .
What the end of the day is FAKE .
Why ? Please click the link and see what happen in 2030 .
*Not a virus* (:

:D :D :D :D :D

*epic, lol

Friday, March 18, 2011

It's getting nearer

Shit, my final is getting nearer larr right ?
Yet I am still enjoying my life.
I don't know anything about economics ;
I am blur with those histories that related to politics and wars ;
I TOTALLY DON'T KNOW what Mr.Phang taught for this semester ;
and, I don't know how to do Correlation in Quantitative Method.

Juuuuu : What should you do?
Juuuuu : Study lar ! FYL .

My final is at 11/04/2011-15/04/2011 ..
Now it's already 18/03/2011..
I need to cover all subject.. How?
Clever lor, enjoy lor, end up, what now? Concentrate and study larr !

Just study more and of course pray to God. Rofl.
Good luck to all my course mate ! (:

Monday, March 14, 2011

I am SUCK!

My driving skill is sucks !
Yes, I accident again !
Congrats , Sucker !

*I didn't mean to bang the car in front of me, I just ..... careless .

Sunday, March 13, 2011

I can't get it

I don't understand.
I can't get it.
I don't understand.
I can't get it.
I am really 'fine'.
I no need to show my sadness to my friend,my family or who else.
Why I need to show it out?
I really don't understand !

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

All I want is ...

I had a nice chat with you.

I wanted to talk to you 24hours, non-stop.

Maybe you will think that I am crazy.

But what I wanted to tell you is,

I hope to be by your side 24hours.

Prepare your breakfast, iron your formal, wash your clothes, cook for you, clean your so-called luxury house. lol

I know I think too much.

Perhaps, you got no feeling towards me.

No, I can confirm that, you got no feeling towards me.

All I want is YOU, I want YOU..

You drive me crazy, again, can I just say 내가 알아서하자 ?

IMPOSSIBLE, stop crapping Juju ! *Teehee

Nights !

Friday, March 4, 2011

Full schedule

Tomorrow's schedule :

- Wake up *I not really sure I can wake up a not :x

- Go One Utama

- Claim my birthday treats from my two most beloved sisters , Molly and Cally *Haha ! Nice !

- Movie *Don't know is it a nice movie , not sure what's the movie name.

- Shopping *I wanna buy shoes, dress, shirts, bag and etc etc. Okay, too much!

- Rest *Charge energy :|

- Back to my second home *Opera ! (:

Thanks my two sisters and cool brother for booking me the whole day! Love you all ya (:

Thursday, March 3, 2011



Went to college, class begin at 12pm.

Went into class at 12.40pm . Why?

No parking ):

I spotted a parking, the guard said will leave the slot for me, call me turn one round.

Okay, I turned, then, what happened?

Parking lot gone ):

A guy took my parking lot.

And, guess what, the guard gone, too!

(Don't worry, it's not that kind of "dirty" things. I met the guard every time I went college)


Went my granny's house to take my lunch after class.

After that, went back my home.

Reach home. Starts blogging. Starts dreaming. Starts missing.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Boring day

  • Today, went lunch with Ryo (:

  • I started to learn Korean language, and read, too.
Please don't ask me why. I got my own reason.

  • I've been spending all my time, just thinking about you

  • Studied first chapter of Malaysian Studies.

  • Going out for yumcha later.