Thursday, October 7, 2010


Morning guys and girls ((:
Although now already 2.44pm..
But I just woke up..
Haha, I love the day that no classes at all.. :D

Yesterday I dreamt two horrible dreams ):

First wan, it's about me and my bf ..
But I not sure what is it already..
You know , sometimes, we used to forget our dream when we woke up right?
But I can remember it's a dream that kind of terrible..
Make me cry, errr, nono, I mean maybe some teardrops. =x

Then second is about my result ..
Yesterday my BFF told me that my Accounting exam got Excellent, that means an A ((:
I am sooooo excited, but still got two subject,Economics and Quantitative Method she didn't heard it..
So I were sooooo worried about my results..
Worried until I got to dream something very horrible..
I dreamt My Acc get an A as well, then my QM get B and for my Eco, I got a C .. D:
I just can say "What The Fxxk?" .. I study so hard for my Eco, get C?!?!?!?!?
Acc if got a B or C it doesn't matter la.. Because I am not really studying at all, I study one day before the exam...and QM is half day before the exam..
BUT, Eco I study nearly for half months, get a C?
Please, I beg Lord please don't give me this kind of result...
I will sad and sad and also sad... ))):

Okay, I got to go bath already...*stinky
P/S : Yesterday I told you all that I am going to TM, but end up, I sleep until 2.44pm ..
So....TM cancelled .. hahaaa ;D