Monday, December 27, 2010

26.12.10 , Money Qian's Birthday

26.12.10 , Money money Qian qian's birthday.
So, me, Eugene, Arron (tauke) celebrated Qian (tauke soh)'s birthday together.
First, we had our dinner in FullHouse..
I don't dare to take much pictures actually because I'm totally a fat ass ):
All is the "somebody" 's fault.
Thanks him by letting me fat 10kg in 3months ! .FML.

#Spaghetti. Don't know what's the name already @@

#Chicken chop for this chop chop gene(The so-called somebody).. Hahaa

#Birthday girl, Qian, with her boyfriend.. Aww, envy!

After that, we went Luna Bar. Hate myself didn't wear pretty enough.
I just wore a simple T-shirt with a shorts. Hmph.
Because again the "somebody" told me that we will just went for a dinner in FullHouse.

#red wine and white wine (:

#last, Happy birthday to the birthday girl, although my wish is a bit late :P

Friday, December 24, 2010


The AWESOME-est Xmas eve paarty at Opera

with all my darling and dudes..

include Joan bffl, Sa sis, Carine dear, Chin therisa darling, YY darling..

And also, lovely cousins >>> Cally sis, Molly sis, Ah boy, and Eugene ..

And and also, funny dudes Joshua, Lim babiiiiiii, Ad Lee and Tiapp :D


P/S : Pictures will be uploaded at facebook

Saturday, December 18, 2010


I am FINE :D

Friday, December 17, 2010

One is better than two

Although the song singing Two is better than one..
But, I think One is better than two..
I will insist what I decided just now..
Time will wash all the memories away (:

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Rapunzel !

Went midnight movie just now..
This movie was awesome!
Laughing like hell :P
But, I cried too..
Although it's animation movie ..

*Still don't know what movie to watch next round..
Any idea?? ):

Monday, December 13, 2010

The First One - Elvy Dear ♥

She is the first one, Elvy, a friend of mine since primary school. Haha..
Last time, she used to be so sampat want.. Haha.
But now, think she can't already ):
Because, she is getting MARRIED !
But I think getting married won't affect her real pattern at all.
Congrats that she is getting married..
I am so longing about her wedding.. Gonna go back Alor Star for her <3 Eh heeeee.. These are some pictures of her wedding as well..

#make up

#the first time I saw her fiancé smile sooo happily, it's hard to saw this guy smiling, I can sense that how much Max love Elvy as well

#cute ! haha, grabbing an umbrella sitting down and chit chat.

# this photo is quite odd because of the way they standing, but I still like it very much, SERIOUS

# ah ha, this is the real pattern of her, see. what a rock bride.

#still, I need to wish them live happily ever after la.. (:

Tomorrow is the last day

Today, its 14/12/2010..
Hehe.. as you can see at bottom, my exam ends at 15th..
So, tomorrow is the last day.. Weee...
And, I got a LITTLE BIT time to blog..
and actually,
I am not really studying for so hard for the past few weeks..
Buat pattern aje~
After tomorrow, I AM GONNA FLYY!! :D Hahaa..*demanding, Lol