Monday, December 13, 2010

The First One - Elvy Dear ♥

She is the first one, Elvy, a friend of mine since primary school. Haha..
Last time, she used to be so sampat want.. Haha.
But now, think she can't already ):
Because, she is getting MARRIED !
But I think getting married won't affect her real pattern at all.
Congrats that she is getting married..
I am so longing about her wedding.. Gonna go back Alor Star for her <3 Eh heeeee.. These are some pictures of her wedding as well..

#make up

#the first time I saw her fiancé smile sooo happily, it's hard to saw this guy smiling, I can sense that how much Max love Elvy as well

#cute ! haha, grabbing an umbrella sitting down and chit chat.

# this photo is quite odd because of the way they standing, but I still like it very much, SERIOUS

# ah ha, this is the real pattern of her, see. what a rock bride.

#still, I need to wish them live happily ever after la.. (: